National Identity Card Application

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The Kaharagian National Identity Card is an official document issued by the government of Kaharagia that serves as a means of establishing both the identity and Kaharagian nationality of its holder. The card contains the holder’s personal information, including their name, date of birth, address, and unique identification number. It is often used as a form of identification when accessing government services or conducting transactions that require proof of identity. Obtaining a Kaharagian National Identity Card is a straightforward process that requires the submission of an application form and supporting documentation, such as a passport or other government-issued ID. The card is valid for two years and must be renewed before the expiration date.

There is a $20.00 processing fee that must be paid at the end of this application.

By continuing with this form, you affirm you have been granted Kaharagian Nationality and are eligible to apply for a National Identity Card. 

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